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If Jedi Masters were real - President Trump would be one.




Trump OBWan Digital Artwork For Sale



Digital Art

Canvas Prints, Art Prints, Posters, Framed Prints, Metal Prints, Acrylic Prints, Wood Prints And Tapestries

8x7 - 10x9 - 12x12.5 - 14x12.5 - 16x14.5 - 20x18 - 24x21.5 - 30x26.5 - 36x32 - 40x36 - Sizes in inches


Digital Art Collections

Wall Art, Home Decor, Puzzles, Lifestyle, Stationery, Phone Cases, Beach, Coffee Mugs, Apparel




Trump OBWan


Trump OBWan




Target Practice



Make America Great Again  -  TrumpOBWan.com


Make America Great Again



Trump OBWan Chalk Image


Trump OBWan Chalk Image







So what does the present and future hold for people in this world?


It has been predicted in

Revelation 13


Its all about global governance and control of you!

To truly control people, commerce must be controlled. Revelation 13 describes how this will happen.




Captain Convey Log Note

If you have ever wanted to know why crazy things are happening in this world the article by Sundance (theconservativetreehouse.com) explains it so you can understand the truth.

Its all about global governance and control of you!


I have posted the Sundance article about the digital dollar along with other information on a webpage and on my blog CaptainConveyLog.

Because this information is so revealing and damaging to the biden regime and their global governance goal I have included it on a webpage where it can't be deleted but it can be hidden on search engines.


Read the truth about the digital dollar and global governance.


The Digital Dollar and Global Governance


